Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Men at Work signs / in Albania

Men at Work signs in Albania

Roskovec, 30.V.2012; pict. C. Veillon
Suffers from a severe head injury but he's doing his job. Admirable guy.

Notice the shadow spots below the legs: his feet?

Shkodër, 17.VI.2012; pict. J. Koelstra
Modern times have reached Albania in their worst pos­sible face. The country, once isola­ted and reclusive, opted in to the taste­less Mediterranean Workforce (eluci­dated in Slovenia).

This disastrous decision is not approved by the people though. Someone gave the poor guy back his feet, a neck and a nose, even a cap. A huge improvement. Well done.

Path: Home / Country List / Men at work in depth / Men at work in Albania
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