Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Children's Crossing Signs worldwide / in Colombia

Children's Crossing Signs in Colombia

Cartagena, 03.i.2012; pict. Baeten & De Dier

Cartagena, 31.xii.2015;
pict. A. Klaver

The image is not very sharp. It was taken from a taxi and if the rosary against the windscreen means anything, it promises that rides in this vehicle can be tough.

Cartagena, 03.i.2012;
pict. Baeten & De Dier
Example of the walking people type :
sign from the U.S. of A.
The signage in Colombia follows the American way of doing and similar signs can be found all over the continent. The careful roadsign watcher however will notice that it is possible to discern two groups of countries based on the posture of the persons :
⦿ Countries where the persons are running or ready to set off for a sprint: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.
⦿ Countries where they are quietly waiting or walking: Costa Rica, U.S. of A., Venezuela.
Path: Home / Country List / Children's Crossing Signs Worldwide / in Colombia
More roadsigns from Colombia: Men at work