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Children's crossing in Spain

Garriguella, 21.V.2010; pict. A. Klaver
That's how it was before all parents drove their kids to school because walking became too risky because of all those cars.

The industrious people at the European Regulations Office should make this design obligatory in all E.C. members. No exceptions, not even Great Britain. Children must walk to school.

Note: Monsieur Jean kindly reminds me (and the E.R.O.) that we need the panel in two versions. Dad should be invited to do his share to.
Warning signs with three pedestrians are almost impossible to find. The few we have are very old or of the home-made type:
  • Spain: woman, girl, boy drags behind
  • France: woman, boy, girl (mom trusts the boy)
  • U.S.A.: girl?, woman, man
  • Belize: boy, woman, girl (best choice if you are alone with two kids)
  • The Gambia: older girl (because she carries a satchel), boy, girl
Albalate de Cinca, 16.VII.2010; pict. M. Coronas
Who wouldn't dream away after two such nice finds in such a short time? But in view of the sorry state —corrosion knows no mercy— we must stay awake and try to preserve these gems of road signage. Museums? Anyone interested? Should team members really carry a screwdriver and bring good finds in?

A most peculiar sign: four people on one panel; four children even! I can't think of any similar find.

Some observations:
1) the girl's hairdress is none of the Spanish kinds. It's closer to Czechia and Japan.
2) The first boy carries his bookbag as a ruck-sack which is rather peculiar (I don't remember seeing it elsewhere but in India.)
3) The other boys drag their bookbag very low, much lower than in most other designs. This is in fact more natural in my opinion. Other children look like they carry a briefcase (f.e. Belgium) which is inadequate for more than a single study book.
4) Is that a paper bag over the last boy's head?
Fiscal, V.1994 Sarvisé, V.1994 Olagüe, XII.1994
How reassuring it is when big brother accompanies you on your way to school. The boy is clearly thrustworthy. He gently guides the girl. Lucky parents.

The drawing is rather static but with much detail; a feature in common with many older signs (e.g. Portugal, France)

In Sarvisé, as in most Spanish villages, teachers are idolized by their pupils. That's why children hurry on their way to school. The girl in all that haste forgot her things. Let's hope she's good in excuses.

I can't take it ill of her, because the artist —if the word is still appropriate— was working way too fast. Look at the hairdress. In team language it is known as the common beak. The boy's head is even more sketchy: nothing but the position tells us what it is. We are clearly on our way down to the modern version.

Spanish roadsignage is ready for the 21st century. We recognize the awfull match-stick look of modern design spreading out all-over the Mediterranean (see Malta).

One point of interest though : the jump towards modernity comes with a swop of positions: the male now takes the lead. It seems a world-wide habit: no step to match-stick without a change of position. Check it out in France, Italy, Turkey, etc.

Castillazuelo, X.2002 Toledo, V.1997
The general appearance is close to the common beak, but the nice details make this an interesting find. The children still have a real head. The girl wears kind of a thea-cosy and the boy borrowed the cap of the worker in Jihlava (Czechia). The children don't hold hands. That really is behaviour worth noticing. You won't find it in more than a few countries. Here is one: The Netherlands.

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More signs from Spain: Men at work - Falling rocks
Roadsigns from the Balearic Islands: Men at work - Children's crossing - Falling rocks
Roadsigns from the Canary Islands: Men at work - Children crossing - Falling rocks